35 back to school life hacks
Hi, guys, it's Allie, and back to school is so soon like 22 days!! here are some of my favorite life hacks for back to school let me know what you think in the comments down below . which one was your favorite? do you use any of these? now let's get started ( my Instagram is @wonderusss if you want more ) 1. buy a roll of washi tape too but on your pens and pencils so when you lose one and you see it in a classroom you know it's yours 2. add a little bit of highlighter on the top of your notebooks so when you're looking for them quickly in your backpack you know which is which 3. always keep an emergency bag in your locker or backpack with period products, snacks, and extra pencils 4. if you want your clothes to be more unique than thrift or even DIY them yourself 5. in the morning set your alarm to a song that you don't like so that you have a reason to get out of bed, to turn it off 6. cold water helps you wake up in the mornings so put a water bottl...