The holly jolly tag

Hi guys its rose and today I was tagged by Greta to do the Holly jolly tag, and I like tags. So lets get started but just a BTW I'm having a Q and A next Friday as in Black Friday so leave me some questions on this post!
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1. Whats Your favorite Christmas Movie?
My favorite Christmas movie is probably "The Grinch who stole Christmas" or "Gotta catch Santa clause"theyre both on the more kiddy version but I don't care. The Grinch is a classic and Gotta catch Santa clause is a movie I have been watching every #holoday season since I was literally 7 so its a tradition.

2. Are you on the Naughty or Nice list?
I personally think I am on the Nice list but is up to Santa am I right?

3. Show us an embarrassing Christmas photo.
Eh. No

4. When do you start Christmas shopping?
Whenever I see a sale on something I think the person would like or when I have saved the money currently I have one of the presents and Two are in the mail that is an idea for you on when I start.

5. If you could be in any Christmas movie what would it be?
Probably like the Grinch or Cindy Lou who. 

6. When does your family put up the Christmas tree and who decorates it? 
Well usually around two weeks before Christmas we get a tree, and me and my brother decorate it but this year we are renting a house up in the upper peninsula or Michigan and we are all going to buy the tree together , and everyone is bringing like 10 decorations to contribute. 

7. Real or fake tree?
Real 100% every year. 

8. Peeking at gifts or surprising?
I like being surprised but sometimes I will be out shopping with my fam and I will be like oh I like that and my mom will be like Just act suprised on christmas #Ilovemymom.

9.Have you ever gone caroling ?

10. What tops your tree?
A star. its silvery and glittery just like me. I'm an alien you know. 

11. New years resolutions? and do you stick to them? 
Yes every year, and I try 

12. Is Christmas magical? do you feel it? 
YES 100% yes I love Christmas so freaking much its a problem. 

13. what makes the holiday special to you?
Well I love gifting to my family, and although receiving is always great the most important part to me is getting to see all of my family all together in one house celebration. 

14. When do you start celebrating Christmas?
well my music play list starts mud October... but I really start November 1st or 2nd. 

15. Birthday or Christmas?
Depends on who's birthday it is but 99.987654321% Christmas

16.Describe Christmas in one word?

17. How much do you love Christmas?

18.Do you open gifts on Christmas eve?
All the ones that aren't from Santa

19. Are you a good wrapper?
DJ rose heck yea. jk but I think so.

well I hope you enjoyed and ask whatever you want in the comments bellow!!


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