How to wind down for the night, what I recomend

Okay so I'm not the best when it comes to winding down to bed, but I do have some pretty good secrets to winding down and getting here it is my sleeping advice 101. And remember I am not a professional, if you don't agree with this that is completely fine.

> Food gives you energy , energy keeps you awake you really shouldn't eat really sugary stuff about an hour before you go to bed.
> you really shouldn't eat anything in that time frame but if you do nuts,pretzels,lettuce and rice are some of the best things to eat before bed

Screen time
> The light from devices is like a fake sun, when its sunny outside your brain stays awake so your screen is actually keeping you awake. It's best not to be on a screen an hour before bed but if you are on it, turn on night mode it turns the screen extremely yellow but it's actually better for your brain.

> Now I am NOT saying you should do this every night but melatonin has really helped me, check with your doctor and see if its okay for you to take melatonin
> if you do take melatonin do not take it right before bed take it after dinner , if you take it to late it will be extremely hard to wake up

Tips and tricks
> Count down from 100
> Lay on your left side
> Turn your phone off
> Get a night mask
> And earplugs

That's all I have today , comment if any of these helped you out
                     -Rose 🌹 

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