What to pack in a bathroom bag for a school camping trip.

Okay so I definitely do not want to give away my age at the moment but I will tell you that I am still in high school, or below. We are leaving for a four day camping trip on Tuesday and I am very excited. I wanted to show you what I packed. For those of you that know me please do not give away the name of the camp.

Bathroom stuff

Okay I know this looks like a lot and to be honest it is a lot but either way I am still going to make a list 

  • Sunscreen
  • Aloe Vera
  • Eye cream
  • 2 chap sticks 
  • Moisturizer, along with a tinted one
  • makeup remover
  • makeup wipes, makeup brush wipes
  • Cotton rounds
  • Cleanser wipes
  • Air freshener
  • Shampoo, conditioner
  • Lip scrub, brush, body/Face scrub
  • 2 nail polishes
  • Deodorant
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, braces spoolie, 
  • Detangeler, hairbrush,hair ties
  • Face brush, cleanser, charcoal mask, toner
  • Eye mask, hairnet
  • Hand cream, handsanitizer 
  • Razor
  • Shower Shoes
- Rose 🌹


  1. Okay So appearently I am getting hate on my friend Gretas blog, I havent actually seen the comments but i have seend comments like, be nice to rose she is my friend thankyou for standing up to me it means a lot

  2. sorry about the font change I dont know how to fix it

  3. I love how much effort you put into your blog posts! Roses readers, please comment!

  4. This blog is super cool! Please approve my comment so it can be on your page


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