What I do on a snow day

Hi snowflakes its rose and for the past two days there have been snow days where I live, and I have had a lot to do since for me this is finals week (for me I had math and French) I guess they're postponed since we haven't had school since Tuesday? anyway, I thought I would walk you through what I normally do on a snow day.

8:30 - this is about when I have woken up the past few days.

Anyway since it is a snow day the past two days I have had waffles for breakfast XD!! but soon after that I went down into my office to study for math... and to write blog articles and to read, and basically all the school/blog things i needed to do although beforehand I like to take a shower or bath just to relax before a good 6 hours of working (seriously guys I haven't been outside since yesterday).

One helpful thing I like to do before a long day of working is to set an alarm for one hour before I have to go to bed so that I know roughly how many hours I have to work before I need to get ready for bed. like for instance, I have 5:41:57 left on my timer right now.

Another thing I like to do is to make a list of things I like to get done in a day. my list is too long to put online right now but maybe I will post it someday.

 Anyway back to what I do on snow days here is a list of some of the things I do for fun on snow days.

⇼Go to the GYM
⇼ Try out different makeup looks
⇼ Hang out on Instagram
⇼ Try out a new recipe
⇼ Have a photoshoot
⇼ walk my dog

Usually, I don't get to do a lot of fun things on snow days, I usually have to study or work, or babysit.

But some fun things to do are

*Hangout with friends
*go see a movie
*Try a new facemask
*go to the library with some hot chocolate and read
*have an indoor picknick

That is it for now

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