50 things you can do to be more eco - friendly

hi friends, the amazon is on fire, and global warming is a thing so here are 35 things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint.

1. sksksksk switch over to metal straws save the turtles. like actually straws are too small to go through the recycling machines so they often just get tossed away.

2. choose to bring a reusable water bottle with you instead of buying plastic ones. or even reuse your plastic water bottles, and refill them at drinking fountains it's not that hard!!!

3. turn off lights when you leave a room
4. carpool
5.use public transportation
6.walk or bike
7.compost paper towels and napkins
8. avoid single-use plastics like food wrappers,
9. don't wash your clothes every time you wear them
10. pick up some trash kids
11. don't wash your towels every time you shower
12. try to use cruelty-free makeup and skincare
13.dont litter
14.use ecosia
15. thrift your clothes
16. donate old clothes
17. try to use Tupperware instead of plastic wrap
18. reuse zip lock bags
19. use the library instead of buying your own books
20. when getting drinks bring your own cup
21. use reusable bags instead of plastic bags
22. try to repair before you rebuy
23. try to take shorter showers
24. stop using coffee stirrers
25. recycle
26. have vegan meals
27. try to avoid printing things
28.want your flowers to last longer? add a dash of vodka!
29.avoid taking baths
30. avoid eating meat - especially cow
31. Plant trees
32. switch over to environmentally friendly cleaning supplies ( a good website is grove)
33. turn old clothes into cleaning rags
34. whiten your teeth with baking soda or banana peels instead of chemicals
35. buy a plant for your house
36.if a fruit is about to go bad freeze it, and use it in a smoothie a couple days later
37. bring produce bags instead of using the plastic ones
38.buy in bulk
39. avoid using ac and heating
40. return your cans
41. don't buy things you don't need
42. eat your ends and stems
43. save your onion, carrot, and garlic peels and ends to make vegetable
44. not gonna eat your leftovers? start a "free" shelf at work
45. fruits going mushy? make bread!
46.creat a 30-minute rule; if its an under 30-minute walk. choose to walk or bike
47. combine errands instead of driving back and forth all the time
48.Thinking of buying a new computer? choose a laptop and not a desktop so that it's not always plugged in
49. reuse wrapping paper
50. Buy things that are good quality and will last you a long time- not stuff that will break the 2nd time you use it

thanks for reading guys!!


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