my skincare routine.

hi babies its Allie. and so sorry I was gone for a little while I had so much rehearsal and school work I just got all tangled. but recently I've been getting back into skincare and actually talking care of it. so I thought I would share with you guys my morning routine. also before I start make sure to check out my instagram for cute outfit ideas and stuff like that CLICK HERE TO GO TO MY INSTAGRAM!!

⭑Ok I start every morning off by washing my face with my curology face wash followed by the corresponding moisturizer
⭑ the next step is I put on aloe Vera especially where I have breakouts as it is good for acne
⭑ I recently got a rose quartz roller for my face so for about 5 minutes I just roll it up and down the highlights of my face
⭑ my lips get really dry in winter so I use aquaphor on my lips as a really good moisturizing chap stick!
⭑ I end my morning routine with y Mario badesco rose spray all over

throughout the day I use a Eos mint chap stick

⭑ I start off my evening routine by using this reusable makeup cloth from some Eco makeup brand ( The label came off sorry) so I can get my makeup off without creating waste every day
⭑ next I wash my face with that same curology face wash
⭑ I also use the moisturizer in the evening
⭑ one more thing from curology! I use the personalized cream every night
⭑ to follow that I use my rose quartz roller to put on some aloe vera in my problomed areas
⭑ and another similar thing to the morning I use aquaphor on my lips to keep them from cracking
⭑ last but not least rose spray!

- Allie


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