GRWM: Choir Concert

Ok hi guys it’s Allie ! Sorry a couple of my posts are gonna be a little delayed my computer broke and I just got it back today :/ anyways if your new hi I’m Allison and I’m doing blogmas so I’m aiming for a blog post every day until Christmas ! Will it work out ? Probably not but I’ll try my best lol . If you like my article please feel free to check out my friend Greta’s blog @ the vintage prepster  and my Instagram @wonderusss.
Now back to the article topic I had a choir concert on Friday so here’s a little get ready with me on how I did my hair and makeup and such like that ;) please enjoy

Ok so I had school until 2:36 and I take the public
Bus so I got home around 3 and I first just did my homework and attempted to be productive until about 3:30 when I got in the shower and washed my hair and face and shaved my legs cause I had to wear a dress.

Next when I got out of the shower I did my makeup
So I started with some aloe Vera as a base because in the winter my skin gets really dry and I don’t wanna look cracks on stage.
Next I used my tarte shape tape to try and cover up the fact that I got literally like an hour of sleep last night ..... oops wasn’t my best decision
After that I used a wet n wild lipstick for blush because I really want a cream lipstick but I’m broke right now and Christmas is coming up :/ but I just smooth it on and I’m good to go . I don’t want to wear a lot of makeup so the only other thing I did was put on some better than sex mascara .

Next step was hair I blow dried it and tied it half back because that unfortunately is the required hairstyle for performances .
Last step was once I got to school I got dressed then I was done !

Thanks for reading


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