how to stay warm in winter.

hello snowflakes its Allie and today is day 5 of blogmas !!!! I've made it this far im so proud. lol I know im a disappointment you don't have to tell me. ok, so it's cold. like really cold. and I live in a cold confused messed up drunk weather state otherwise known as Michigan :0 lol. so today I'm doing just a few hacks I've learned to stay warmer in winter because after all a hoe does get cold she just doesn't admit it.

  • ok so tip number one has to do with tops and a really annoying part about being a girl..... you know when everyone can tell your cold? well, what I do a lot of the time has to do with bras and trust me it's really helpful. ok sorry if this is a little TMI don't hate me please but here's what you or at least what I do. step number one wear a normal bra blah blah boring ok here's the thing that saves me buy a sports bra a size up and wear it on top. it literally is amazing but if you do this make. sure to get a size up because two bras that are tight can be compressing and make it hard to breathe. stay safe kiddos

  • tip number two - those like silk thermal shirt thing a ma bobs are literally lifesavers for like under sweaters or dresses or anything long sleeve its literally perfect

  • and one more thing to do with your tops. layer them it's really cute and you can do it so many different ways and t will keep you warmer like for instance, I prefer to layer by wearing a long sleeve shirt under a t-shirt but my friend Greta likes to wear a collared shirt under sweaters so there are different ways you can do it. 

  • ok, next way to stay warm- the rest of you will be like 10x warmer if your feet are warm so wear socks, or tights, or leg warmers or something !! cough cough.... Greta 

  • another warm spot your head so wear those hats, wear those earmuffs, headbands whatever it will keep you so much warmer trust me...

  • ok now for pants, again like I was saying long underwear, tights, or leggings under your jeans can keep you warm and nobody will really notice unless your jeans are ripped but really with some patterned leggings or tights that could be a solid look.
ok, that's all I have for today let me know your warming hacks in the comments below! I'll try to reply but ofter it doesn't work and its really sad. 



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